Blues forward T.J. Oshie has had a banner month thus far, and it couldn’t have come at a better time for both the team and for him. While the Blues are winning games and scoring points, Oshie is gearing up for the release of his own cereal brand, Oshie O’s.
Oshie O’s prepares to face off on pond ice. (Photo Credit: Kaitlin Cimini)
Oshie and PLB Sports teamed up to create this cereal in an effort to capitalize on Oshie’s name-brand recognition, as well as to support March of Dimes – St. Louis Division. March of Dimes was founded in effort to eradicate polio, and has graduated to working to support infants and pregnant people through a wider lens. From the website:
"The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality."
The March of Dimes is featured on the side of the box, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to MOD to support their efforts in improving infant health. PLB Sports told Bleedin’ Blue they chose to work with Oshie for a variety of reasons, one of which was his charitable interests.
"“TJ Oshie came on our radar last year at the Winter Olympics with his shootout performance against Russia. PLB Sports looks for athletes that excel on and off the playing field (or ice in this case) and TJ fits that profile. Besides being one of the leaders on the Blues teams, his work in the community is outstanding.”Fans can order the cereal at ‘Oshie O’s’ t-shirts are also available for a limited time.”"
PLB Sports has also released a cereal in concert with L.A. Kings goaltender, Jonathan Quick, called Quickcrunch.
Oshie certainly got a lot of press over the last few weeks for the release of Oshie O’s, so here at Bleedin’ Blue we thought we’d give them a try. We decided, much like Oshie is ranked on his points, time on ice, and offensive and defensive zone starts, we would rank Oshie O’s in a similar fashion. We even took Oshie O’s out on the ice for a quick game of pond hockey to see if the cereal could compete with the man in the NHL.
Oshie O’s faces off against one of pond hockey’s newest players. Oshie O’s lost the faceoff. (Photo Credit: Kaitlin Cimini)
Now, maybe it’s because I haven’t eaten Honey Nut Cheerios since I was in my early teens, or maybe it’s because Oshie really knows good cereal. Whichever it is, these tasted absolutely delicious. The price tag? Not so much. On the other hand, you’re likely buying these a) for the cool box and b) to support March of Dimes. So I’d say it’s pretty much a win-win.
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