2. Blues Fans
This one seems odd on the surface. Why should we be thankful for each other?
We drive each other nuts. We rarely agree on anything.
There are people out there that think everything is the fault of the goaltender. Some fans blame all the team’s problems on the coach.
There are crazy theories from the Lounge that make us wonder what kind of environment – perhaps heavily laced with lead – they were raised in. Then there are other fans that act as though everyone is trying their best and we should not get mad at anything.
Such a wonderful dichotomy. That’s almost what makes it so great.
We all come from different backgrounds and have such differing points of view about one single thing. Nevertheless, we all come together to cheer our hockey team.
When we are sitting in the arena or watching in a sports bar, all our differences melt away. We are all just Blues fans for that brief period of time.
All the fans are unified in wanting the team to win on that night. We all band together in the hopes of one day seeing a championship parade down Clark St., so aptly named Brett Hull Way in front of the arena.
The thing that has impressed me about Blues fans, as well, is how far reaching we are. Sometimes the team forgets that.
Much of the marketing is done to the West County people or those in and around the city. Blues fans are all over though.
There are lots of them out west, near the Kansas City area. They go down south in small towns like DeSoto or Bonne Terre or even further to Cape Girardeau.
There’s Blues fans in Illinois and Kansas and Iowa. We even have fans of the Note as far away as Canada.
There are lots of issues we may never see eye to eye on. That’s part of life.
As much as we all annoy each other at times, I would not trade this fan base for any other.