St. Louis Blues: Hockey Shows Why It Is The Best Off The Ice

NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 09: Jake Allen
NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 09: Jake Allen /

When it comes to on ice product, you never know what you will get across the NHL. When it comes to the stuff that happens off the ice, you get some of the best of any of the professional sports in North America.

The St. Louis Blues are like every other NHL team in many ways. They have their ups and downs, good games and bad.

They have great seasons that bring fans hope and disappointing seasons that crush our souls. However, for the most part, the Blues have been dependable on the ice.

Some might say that includes being mediocre when the time counts the most. That is an argument for a different time.

Overall, the Blues have been largely dependable on the ice. They’ve had plenty of good seasons while other NHL franchises have not been so lucky.

The one thing that all NHL teams have in common though, is their ability to make a difference off the ice. All pro sports franchises try to make their mark in their community, but it feels like the NHL just does it better than most.

Look at the Vegas Golden Knights. They have not been around for a full calendar year and are already making an impact in their community.

Of course, you would not wish what has happened in Vegas on anyone, but the team has rallied the people. They have stood up for their cause and become a symbol of hope for the city. Vice versa, the city has impacted the team.

The Golden Knights are undefeated to start their history because they are getting that emotional boost from the people. Not every sport has that kind of connection, even in those sorts of times.

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We also need look no further than our own hockey team for great examples of community. Until his departure, David Backes was one of the biggest off ice advocates you could find anywhere.

His programs to help stray animals find homes was incredibly well supported. There were even nights fans were allowed to bring their dogs to games in support of his charitable foundation.

Several other Blues took part in similar functions, benefiting both humans and animals alike. Now Jake Allen and Carter Hutton are dipping their toes into the water.

Both goaltenders will be donating $10 to cancer research for each save they make in the month of October. According to the Blues website, Allen has already donated $1,150 for his 115 saves through three games.

Hutton will likely be adding to that total after his 32 save performance against the New York Rangers. The Blues have nine more games in the month of October to help out this cause.

Hutton was more than willing to give credit to his teammate when talking to the team’s website.

"“Jake approached me about it and it was awesome. A great idea, a great cause. What a cool concept, too,” Hutton said. “From a charity standpoint, you can watch from the outside and see a tally in the game as the month builds up, and with the money going to charity, it’s awesome.”"

None of this is said to truly create a divide between the sports. Every franchise does good things in their community.

As much as we all hate the Rams now, they were one of the most involved teams in the community in recent memory. For whatever reason, it seems the NHL has cornered the market on these ventures though.

Perhaps it is the courteous nature of Canadians, who make up the majority of the league. Perhaps it is simply a need to give back for all those early morning skates and families that put you up during your junior career.

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Who knows what it is. Hockey players just seem, on the surface, to get more involved in these sorts of ventures than some other athletes. Maybe that is what makes them so endearing to the fans that love the sport and the teams they bleed for.

The way the Blues have been allowing shots on goal against, both goaltenders might be opening their wallets quite a bit. When it is for a good cause, it makes you not mind as much.